What People Are Saying.

“I am the mom that I am because of you. We made it through the fire because of you. My child is a functional, passionate, preteen boy because of you. He is on the honor roll because of you. We are who we are because of you and I want you to know that you have made a lifelong impact on us and moving forward we will never be the same! Thank you for always putting our kids first and forever changing their life long out come.”

— Katie (Parent)

“Donna is a person who is selfless and always puts her clients needs at the forefront. She is willing to always adapt to specific needs of her clients. When my son had issues with walking and couldn't continue at his school, she took him in to the day program and I think he even learned more with her than he would have at school. To top it off she snuck in social interaction into the learning without him even realizing. She has been an angel for my family in helping us with whatever needs we needed met. If you want above and beyond service come here and you won't regret it!”

— Michael (Parent)

“The staff at blue S.E.A.S are not only the most professional behavioral health personnel my family has encountered, they are authentic, fun, and personable. The differences in the staff personalities allow for my son to connect with them in unique ways, optimizing the multitude of services he receives.”

— Parent

“As a kiddo who has been with Donna since the beginning, knowing that she has made her own place is one step in the right direction! Being with her and having the best therapists taught by the best… her name is Donna! One thing I know is I went from not being able to have a great relationship with my sisters and grandparents to being able to have a wonderful relationship all because of Donna! If I was you I would go to her she can make a difference in your life like she did to mine! <3 ”

— Mia

“We went to see a college advisor last night and in conversation, blue S.E.A.S came up as an interest for my son. His answer was , “it’s for people like me”. It really melted me that my son has finally found his people. Thank you for all you and your staff do for the kids!”

— Amy (Parent)